

【カナダ】Canadian Tourism College-フライトアテンダントDiplomaプログラム(2022年度)











対象ビザ ・学生ビザ
参加条件 ・高卒以上(19歳以上)で心身ともに健康な方
開講される都市 バンクーバー
開講される学校 Canadian Tourism College
必要英語力 下記いずれかに該当する方
・TOEIC 720
・IELTS 6.0
プログラム期間 12週間


このプログラムは、カナダ運輸省によって規定されたCARs (Canadian Aviation Regulations)に沿って組まれている為、訓練においての安全が最も重要視されております。


また空港見学やゲストスピーカーを迎えるCareer Dayなどもあり、校内だけの授業ではなくバラエティに富んでおります。

更に英語の履歴書の書き方指導や、ビデオを使った模擬インタビューなどもあり、より実践的に将来の就職に役立つレッスンがあります。 また航空会社での半日実習では施設のツアー、機種の非常ドアロックをあけるトレーニング、模擬火災の消火訓練、緊急脱出のスライド訓練などが行われます。

他にもFirst Aid, Basic Food Safety Training(Food Safe), Serving It Right, Assisting Travelers with Disabilities, Team Building, Leadership など将来に役立つセミナーもあります。


Aircraft Safety & Critical Incident Training
Learn to identify and manage situations that may threaten the safety of the aircraft, crew, and passengers.乗客やクルー、機材の安全を脅かす状況にどう対応するかについて
Aircraft Systems
The Boeing 737-700, Airbus 320, Boeing 767-300, Boeing 747-400 will be studied in this course. For each aircraft, you will learn about: operation of cabin doors and over-wing exits, galley electrical systems, oxygen systems, emergency lighting, communication systems, master panels/ordinance signs, passenger seating/controls, and lavatories.ボーイングやエアバスの機材設備について
Airport Familiarization
Enables you to become familiar with the layout and services offered at an International Airport within their city.国際空港のレイアウトやサービスについて
Assisting Travelers with Disabilities
Gain a perspective on how to understand and contribute in a positive and professional way to work with guests and other members of the community who have a disability.障害のある乗客あるいは同僚への理解、プロとしての考え方について
Aviation Company Training
Exposes you to the aviation industry and/or flight attendant role through onsite visitations relevant to the course topic that is being studied.関連企業への訪問で業界をより詳しく知る
Basic Food Safety Training
Learn how to conform to food safety regulations particularly in food and beverage departments within the hospitality sector.飲食物の安全規則について
Cabin Firefighting
Provides you with information regarding the identification of types of fires, fire detection and fire-fighting systems, equipment available, and fire-fighting procedures onboard and outside the aircraft.機内での火災について(火災の種類、消化活動など)
Cultural Seminar
Become familiar with the multiculturalism within our city. Learn about the First Nations presence and its relevance for tourism in Vancouver, attracting worldwide recognition. This course gives you the opportunity to view your home city from the eyes of a tourist.多文化理解について(先住民の存在、バンクーバーに集まる観光客など)
Emergency Procedures Training
Learn about the different types of evacuations, crew responsibilities, and procedures in emergency and evacuation situations. The evacuation procedures for on land and water. First Aid Training: successful completion of this course will include being certified with Standard First Aid with CPR level C and AED.緊急時の避難について(応急処置のトレーニング、AEDなど)
Introduction to the Airline Industry
Learn all about: airline terminology, history of the flight attendant, 24 hour clock, phonetic alphabet, time zones, calculation of flight duration, IATA city codes, airline 2 letter codes, factors of flight, aviation regulatory bodies, and chronological sequence of flight events according to a Flight perspective.航空業界の基礎について(航空用語、フライトアテンダントの歴史、24時間時計、フォネティックコード、タイムゾーン、飛行時間の計算、IATA都市コード、航空会社2レターコード、フライトの仕組み、航空規制、フライト中の時系列順の作業内容など)
Learn about leaderships and how it relates to the professional and personal aspects of an individual’s life.リーダーシップについて
Onboard Service Procedures
Gain an overview of various on-board services offered by airlines throughout the industry, including wine appreciation and service.機内サービスについて
Personal Awareness
Designed to provide you with information regarding the development of the professional image that airlines seek, while increasing self-confidence and self-esteem.航空業界が求めるプロフェッショナルのイメージ像、自己肯定感の増進について
Professional Development
This course covers all aspects of professional development including resume writing, job application cover letters, job sources, and interview skills.履歴書の書き方、カバーレターの書き方、仕事の探し方、面接対策について
Explore personal strengths, vulnerabilities, values, beliefs, maturity, honesty, emotional control, and power issues. Challenges that may be faced while traveling abroad, such as cultural differences, moral standards and political expectations will be discussed.自分の強みやもろさ、価値観などについて探求し、外国を旅行する際に直面するであろう異文化や倫理観の違いなどの困難な状況について
Safety & Service Announcements
Provides you with information regarding general guidelines of how to perform demonstrations, deliver announcements using the public address systems on board an aircraft.アナウンスやデモンストレーションの仕方について
Serving it Right
The required certification to serve alcohol, Serving it Right teaches you how to carry out the important roles and responsibilities that are involved with serving alcohol.アルコールを扱うための資格「Serving it Right」について
Student Project
Designed to assist in furthering you knowledge of the airline industry, you will be expected to select an airline, research the airline, and give a detailed presentation to the class.プロジェクト
Team Building
Learn the key components that enable a person to engage in productive teamwork behaviour and how to manage the behaviour of others in the communication circle and conflict cycle that can result.チームワークについて












