
英語のみならずワンランク上のレベルでのGap Year過ごされたい方必見プログラムです
カナダ トロント/バンクーバーにキャンパスを持つ語学学校、ILAC【アイラック(インターナショナル ランゲージ アカデミー オブ カナダ)トロント校】。
このプログラムでは前半を語学学校で後半を現地カレッジでの受講になります1 セメスター(16週間) : Power English Program (週38レッスン)をILACで受講
1 セメスター(16週間) : ナイアガラカレッジで受講

Bookkeeping | Financial Accounting I | Financial Accounting Concepts |
Intermediate Accounting I | Managerial Accounting | Bookkeeping Applications |
Intermediate Accounting III | Management Cost Accounting I | Management Cost Accounting I |
Management Cost Accounting III | Financial and Managerial Accounting | Office Environment I |
Customer Relations in Society | Supervisory Skills | Project Management |
Integrated Office Projects | Integration of Food and Wine: Global Perspective | Costings and Pricing Strategies: Food and Beverage |
International Culinary Strategies | Integrated Hospitality Operations | Integrated Food Service Management |
Attraction Planning and Management | Concepts of Customer Service | Event Planning and Management |
Risk Management and Guest Security | Research and Evaluation Methods I | Fundamentals of Accounting |
Managerial Accounting | Business Communications | Introduction to Microeconomics |
Introduction to Macroeconomics | International Economics | Ethical Reasoning Skills |
Corporate Social Responsibility | Introduction to Canadian Government | Principles of Human Resources Management |
Organizational Training and Development | HR Management Systems & HR Metrics | Recruitment and Selection |
Employment and Workplace Law | Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods | Pension and Benefits Administration |
Human Resources Management | International Human Resources Management | Concepts of International Trade |
Market Entry and Distribution | International Market Research | International Trade Finance |
Global Logistics Management | International Marketing Strategies | International Sales |
Legal Issues of International Trade | International Trade Management | Cultural Aspects of Global Trade |
Management Theories and Practice | Management Information Systems | Performance Management |
Leadership & Leadership Development | Business Principles | Principles of Marketing |
Consumer Research Theory and Application | Integrated E-Marketing: A Strategic Approach | Computer Applications |
Issues in Global Development I | Global Project Development | Social Entrepreneurship |
Business Student Success | Professionalism and Business Ethics | Applied Research Methods |
Customer Service | Project Management | Macro Economics |
Entrepreneurship | Small Business and Entrepreneurship | The Entrepreneur |
Event Marketing | Event Managerial Accounting | Event Management Project 1 |
Leadership Concepts | Event Planning and Logistics | Sponsorship and Fundraising |
Modern History | Hospitality Supervision | Introduction to Hospitality and Tourism |
Hospitality and Tourism Marketing | Food Service Operations | Best Practices in Food and Beverage Service |
Cost Control | Physical Plant Management | Food and Beverage Service Management |
Strategic Management and Leadership | Best Practices of Accounting Principles in Hospitality and Tourism | Accommodations Management |
Human Resource Management for the Hospitality and Tourism Industry | Technology Applications in Hospitality and Tourism | The Global Economy in Sports |
Hospitality Operations and Risk Management | Operations Finance and Revenue Management | Entrepreneurship/Intrapreneurship in Hospitality and Tourism |
Employment Legislation | Fundamentals of International Trade | International Market Research |
Market Entry Strategies | International Trade Legal Issues | Economic Geography I |
Trade Aspects of International Geography I | Introduction to Canadian Law and Research | Organizational Behaviour |
Principles of Human Resource Management | Business Management and Organizational Behaviour | Organizational Training and Development |
Recruitment and Selection | Marketing Computer Applications | Introduction to E-Business |
Computer Applications | Spreadsheet Applications | Retail and Merchandise Management |
Principles of Marketing | Integrated Marketing Communication | Professional Selling I |
Professional Selling II | Marketing Research | Operations Planning and Control I |
Operations Management I | Supply Management | Fundamentals of Human Resources |
Human Resources Management | Occupational Health and Safety | Niche Tourism |
Applied Tour Planning | Tourism Sales | Destination Marketing |
International Niche Tourism | Sustainable Tourism Destination Development | Hospitality and Tourism Marketing |
対象ビザ | 学生ビザ |
参加条件 | 18歳以上で心身ともに健康な方 海外旅行傷害保険に加入している方 |
開講される都市 | トロント |
開講される学校 | 語学学校 ILAC(アイラックトロント校 ) カレッジ:Niagara College(ナイアガラカレッジ) |
プログラム期間 | 32週間 語学学校1セメスター(16週間)カレッジ1セメスター(16週間) |
・英語力ILACオンラインテストでレベル10以上もしくはIELTS 4.5以上のスコアが必要です。ILAC修了後カレッジへの編入前
ILAC, Niagara College授業料出発前サポート
ILAC 入学金(150ドル)、カレッジ出願料ILAC での教材費($60/1 セット、最短8週間使用)と、大学での教材費(コースにより合計$150~$400)
ILAC | Niagara | |
① | 2023年1月9日 | 2023年5月8日 |
*特別割引などある場合この料金から安くなります *その他当センターまでお気軽にお問い合わせください。
*特別割引などある場合この料金から安くなります *その他当センターまでお気軽にお問い合わせください。
